Brigadier General Daniel B. Taylor is the Assistant Wing Commander for 3d Marine Aircraft Wing, located at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, San Diego, CA.
BGen Taylor was commissioned through the 157th Officer Candidate Course and attended The Basic School Course 2-95.
Assignments in the Operating Forces: 3d Marine Aircraft Wing: Marine Aircraft Group-13; Marine Aircraft Group-11 in support of WESTPAC, OPERATION SOUTHERN WATCH, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. Marine Forces Reserve, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing as an instructor with VMFAT-101.
Assignments in the Supporting Establishment: VT-86, Marine Aviation Training Support Group-42. VMFAT-101, Squadron Augmentation Unit: Officer in Charge.
Headquarters and Staff Assignments: Director, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing, Aviation Command and Control Team. Fleet Marine Forces-Pacific, Marine Liaison Officer to Commander-PACIFIC AIR FORCES. I Marine Expeditionary Force, Liaison to Commander-THIRD Fleet.
Joint assignments: 609th Combined Air Operation Center: Deputy Director and AFCENT Target Engagement Authority supporting OPERATION INHERENT RESOLVE and FREEDOM’S SENTINEL, and the Resolute Support mission.
BGen Taylor’s professional education comprises the Amphibious Warfare School, Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Air War College, Joint Forces Staff College, and a Master's Degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California. He is a Weapons and Tactics Instructor and TOPGUN graduate with over 2500 hours in the F/A-18.