
Commanding Officer, Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 469
Lieutenant Colonel Ryan P. Welborn

LtCol Welborn is a native of Grangeville, Idaho. He is a graduate of the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Science in Biology.

LtCol Welborn completed Officer Candidate School in August 2000 and was commissioned in January 2002. In November 2002, he completed The Basic School and began Aviation Preflight Indoctrination at NAS Pensacola, Florida. LtCol Welborn was designated a Naval Aviator in the AH-1W in April 2004 and attended SERE School in NAS Brunswick, Maine in May 2004. He began training at HMLAT-303, the AH-1 Fleet Replacement Squadron, in Camp Pendleton, California in June 2004. Upon completion of training, LtCol Welborn reported to MAG-39 and was assigned to HMLA-369.

In July 2005, LtCol Welborn deployed aboard the USS Tarawa with the 13th MEU(SOC) as part of HMLA-369 DET A. While deployed with the 13th MEU(SOC), he participated in training in Hawaii and Australia, Operation Bright Star in Egypt, and went ashore to Al Asad, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 04-06. Upon his return to the U.S. in February 2006, LtCol Welborn joined HMLA-267 and attended WTI 2-07. After completion of WTI, LtCol Welborn was selected to participate in a tactical flying exchange with the Israeli Air Force, flying Israeli AH-1S throughout Israel in October 2007. LtCol Welborn deployed with the 31st MEU(SOC) in November 2008 as the HMLA-267 Det D AH-1 WTI. While deployed with the 31st MEU(SOC), LtCol Welborn participated in theater security cooperation exercises in Thailand, Japan, and the Philippines. In July 2009, LtCol Welborn deployed with the 11th MEU as the HMLA-267 Det B AH-1 WTI. While deployed with the 11th MEU, LtCol Welborn participated in theater security cooperation exercises in U.A.E and Kuwait and supported Operation Iraqi Freedom 10-11.

Upon his return from deployment, LtCol Welborn was assigned to MAWTS-1 and served as an AH-1 Division Instructor, Assistant Academic Department Head, and AH-1 Division Head from 2010-2013. While assigned to MAWTS-1, LtCol Welborn deployed with HMLA-369 to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom as the HMLA tactics development and lessons learned lead. Upon completion of his tour at MAWTS-1, LtCol Welborn attended the Marine Corps Command and Staff College in MCB Quantico, Virginia where he earned his Master’s Degree in Military Science and was a Distinguished Graduate.

LtCol Welborn was assigned to HMLA-469 as the squadron Operations Officer from July 2014 to October 2015. In that capacity, LtCol Welborn deployed to MCAS Futenma, Okinawa in support of the III MEF Unit Deployment Program from October 2014 to May 2015. While deployed, LtCol Welborn participated in theater security cooperation exercises in Thailand, Korea, and the Philippines and supported the humanitarian mission in Nepal, Operation Sahayogi Haat. 

In 2016, LtCol Welborn deployed to Al Jaber, Kuwait as the SPMAGTF-CR-CC 16.2 ACE Det Officer in Charge in support of Operation Inherent Resolve and CENTCOM theater crisis response. After returning from deployment, LtCol Welborn was assigned to HQMC (Aviation) as the Air-to-Ground Weapons Requirements Officer from June 2017 to December 2018. LtCol Welborn assumed is current duties as the HMLA-469 Commanding Officer in March 2019.