Inspector General

Hotline Complaint and Request Mast Guidance


Upon initial receipt of a complaint the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Inspector General's Office will determine if the issue (s) presented are appropriate for the Command Inspector General (CIG) to address.

Matters that are Command Inspector General (CIG) Appropriate

Fraud: Intentional deception to unlawfully deprive the U.S. of something of value or to secure from the U.S. a benefit, privilege, allowance, or consideration that a person/entity is not entitled.

Waste: An expenditure that is significantly out of proportion to the benefit reasonably expected to accrue the government.

Abuse: Arbitrary or capricious exercise of power by a military member or a federal official or employee that adversely affects the rights of any person or results in personal gain or advantage to him/herself or to other preferred actions.

Mismanagement: Management action or inaction that creates a substantial risk of significant adverse impact on the on the agency’s ability to accomplish its mission. Matter must be more than the miniscule wrongdoing or simple negligence. Does not include management decisions merely debatable among reasonable people.

 If you have already contacted a member of Congress:

The Office of the Inspector General cannot duplicate the process that has already been initiated by a member of Congress. Please allow time for your point of contact within the appropriate congressional office to address your issue/issues.

Former/Current Dependent Financial Support:

Contact the Marine's command for enforcement of dependent support.

Submitting an IG Complaint:

If you believe your issues are within the confines of the items listed above and requires the attention of the Inspector General, click the link or contact the 3rd MAW Hotline via one of the contact methods listed below. 

MCO 1700.23G Request Mast:

For matters to be addressed directly to the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Commanding General via the Request Mast Process IAW MCO 1700.23G, ensure it does not fall within the following criteria: Actions under the UCMJ, Involuntary Administrative Separations, and Complaints under Article 138, UCMJ and Article 1150, U.S. Navy Regulations as these listed items have alternate means to be addressed.

If your grievance does not fall under the above listed criteria click the link to fill out the Request Mast NAVMC 11296 Rev. 5-19.

Commanding General
Third Marine Aircraft Wing (Attn: Inspector)
PO Box 452050
San Diego CA 92145-2050





3rd MAW Inspector General

Command Inspector General

Command Inspector General
3rd Marine Aircraft Wing

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Deputy Command Inspector General
3rd Marine Aircraft Wing

Mr. Vilchez is a native of New York, New York. He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. He is a graduate of the Senior Executives Fellow Course, Harvard Business School, Federal Executive Institute Leadership for a Democratic Society, and the DoD Joint Inspector General (IG)

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