3rd MAW Deployment Readiness Coordinator

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What is the Unit Deployment Readiness Program?

The Unit Deployment Readiness Program provides support to the individual Service Member and their family to successfully balance life, career and mission events. This support is provided through proactive outreach and intervention using Official Communication, Information and Referral and Readiness and deployment Support. This support is extend to the entire family unit and includes children, spouses, parents and other extended family members.

Who can participate?

Anyone and everyone is encouraged to participate. This can include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, fiancĂ©es, children and more. If you are interested, we’d love to have you.



858 - 307 - 6418

858 - 837 - 9098

858 - 864 - 3325

858 - 307 - 8561 


928 - 269 - 4277 

928 - 271 - 1512 


858 - 307 - 6502



858 - 837 - 1801


858 - 307 - 7375