
Sergeant Major, Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 362
Sergeant Major Christopher Myers

Sergeant Major Christopher L. Myers enlisted in the Marine Corps in January 2001. He attended Recruit Training at MCRD Parris Island, South Carolina and graduated in April 2001. Upon graduation, he was meritoriously promoted to Private First Class. In June 2001, he reported to Marine Combat Training, on Camp Geiger North Carolina (NC). Upon completion was transferred to Naval Air Station Meridian, Mississippi to attend the Aviation Operations Specialist Course (MOS 7041). 
Once he graduated from MOS school, he transferred to MCAS Cherry Point NC for duty as an Operations Clerk for Marine Aircraft Group (MAG) 14, from July 2001 until January 2003. Private First Class Myers was promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal and held multiple billets, ranging from Operations to Ground Training Clerk. In mid January 2003 he was attached to VMA-542 and deployed to Iraq in support of Operations: Enduring Freedom, 03.1, Southern Watch, and Iraqi Freedom, where he was subsequently promoted to the rank of Corporal. In March 2003 he reattached to MAG-14, and assumed the duties as Assistant Operations Chief and Ground Training NCO. 
After completing his tour of duty in 2005 he transferred to Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, MCAS Iwakuni Japan. There he held the billets of Flight Planning Chief and Ground Training NCO. While assigned to H&HS, he participated in various unit-training exercises, and processed all inbound and outbound aircraft.  In January 2006, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Soon thereafter he served as a Corporal’s Course Instructor and Faculty Advisor for Corporals Course class 1-08. 
Sergeant Myers attended Basic Recruiter School class 3-08 at MCRD San Diego. Upon graduation from the Basic Recruiters’ School he was transferred to the 8th Marine Corps District, Recruiting Station Dallas, Recruiting Substation Garland, Texas. From April 2008 to April 2011 he served as a canvasing recruiter. Sergeant Myers received was promoted to Staff Sergeant on January 2010. Upon completion of a successful Tour of recruiting Duty he was transferred to Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH), Marine Heavy Helicopter (HMH) 363. Following his arrival to MCBH he was subsequently deployed to Afghanistan In support of Operation Enduring Freedom 11.2 where he held the billet of Operations Chief. 
Following the units return Marine Corps Base Hawaii and the resignation of HMH-363, Staff Sergeant Myers was transferred to HMH- 463 where he held the billet of Operations Chief. Staff Sergeant Myers was then hand selected to assume the duties of the MAG-24 Operations Chief. 
In June of 2014 Staff sergeant Myers was transferred to Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron 3 (MWHS-3) where he held the billet of Assistant Operations Chief. Staff Sergeant Myers was promoted to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant on November 2014 and was subsequently deployed in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.  Were he was hand selected to serve as the MAG-11 Operations Chief. 
Gunnery Sergeant Myers was then selected to serve as the Course Supervisor of the Aviation Operations Specialist course in Meridian Mississippi. 
In May 2018 First Sergeant Myers was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant and assigned to Battery M, 3d Battalion, 14th Marines, Chattanooga, Tennessee as the Inspector Instructor First Sergeant. 
In 2021, First Sergeant Myers received orders to HQ Support Battalion MCI West, where he served as H&S Company First Sergeant.
In Feb 2022 Sergeant Major Myers was promoted to his current rank, and was assigned as the Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) - 362 Sergeant Major.
   Sergeant Major Myers' personal awards include the Navy and Marine Commendation Medal with a gold star in lieu of 3rd award, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with gold star in lieu of 4th award, and Good Conduct Medal with Silver Star in lieu of 6th award.
   Sergeant Major Myers is married to the former April Grist and they have three children: Christopher Jr. age 20 Autumn age 19 and Christian age 15.