Major Cohoon was born on Mather AFB in Sacramento, California. He graduated from San Antonio Christian School in San Antonio, Texas in 2001 and enlisted in the United States Air Force as a Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman on the F-15E “Strike Eagle.” He deployed with the 335th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron to Al Udeid AFB, Qatar in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Prior to his end of active service, he earned an Associates of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology from the Community College of the Air Force. While earning his Bachelors of Science in Business Marketing and International Business from Liberty University, Major Cohoon took the opportunity to teach English in Thailand through political upheaval marked by the 2006 monarchy-sanctioned Royal Thai Army coup d'état. Upon completion of his degree, he backpacked Europe and North Africa. After successfully completing Officer Candidate School, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in March 2009. Upon Commissioning, he reported to The Basic School and graduated with Charlie Company in November 2009. After Introductory Flight School, Major Cohoon reported to MATSG-21 in Pensacola, FL for Naval Flight School. He completed training at VT-27, HT-8, and VT-35, he was winged as a Naval Aviator in January 2012. After completing the MV-22 Fleet Replacement Squadron syllabus in June 2012, he reported to VMM-263.
During his tenure at VMM-263, Major Cohoon participated in Operation Oaken Lotus and Operation Inherent Resolve while deployed with the 22D Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU). In 2016, he supported crisis response operations and multiple coalition exercises while deployed in Moron, Spain with Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Crisis Response Africa 16.1. While returning from Spain, he participated in the first westbound transatlantic flight of MV-22 in history. During his tenure, he successfully held the billets of S-4 OIC, S-4A, 22D MEU ACE S-4, USS Bataan Team Embarkation Officer (TEO), Classified Material Control Center Officer, Access Control Officer, Current Operations Officer, and Command Historian. During this period he completed Expeditionary Warfare School.
Upon completion of rotation in Moron, Spain, Major Cohoon reported to the newly established VMM-268 in November of 2016. Major Cohoon deployed with Marine Rotational Force – Darwin, built up squadron programs, and guided the squadron through a Commanding General’s Inspection. He held the billets of Executive Officer, Remain Behind Element OIC, Adjutant, S-1 OIC, S-2 OIC, Security Manager, Unit Inspection Coordinator, and Command Personal Finance Program Manager. In 2018, He completed his Masters of Business Administration in International Business from Liberty University with honors.
In January 2019 Major Cohoon reported to Tactical Air Control Party School (TACP) at Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Pacific (EWTGPAC) where he was designated a 7502 Forward Air Controller. Immediately upon completion, Maj Cohoon reported to 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines as the Battalion Air Officer. At V23 he led air integration and fires for Bougainville II and III at Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii and Mountain Exercise at Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California. He participated in Exercise Keen Edge 2019 in Yokosuka, Japan. Shortly after, he transition to Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) officer and attended MQ-9A Initial Qualification Training (IQT) School, Holloman AFB and after which he received orders to VMU-1.
Immediately upon arriving to VMU-1 in 2020 as the Air Maintenance Officer, Maj Cohoon led the development of RQ-21 Maintenance and Launch/Recovery Operations at Canon Air Defense Complex, supported two Weapons and Tactics Instructor Course and two Integrated Training Exercises, the final RQ-21A flight, divestment of RQ-21 systems for VMU-1, and a first-ever quad-launch of RQ-21A Aircraft. Shortly after, as the Operations Officer, he led the design, development, and organizational structuring for the transition to Group 5 operations and Safe For Flight (SFF) taking ownership of the first Marine Corps MQ-9A aircraft and operations. Through Global Operations from a Garrison Environment (GOFGE), Maj Cohoon Supported several named geographic combatant command operations through 24/7/365 group 5 collections support while developing the first MQ-9A pilot and sensor operators in the USMC. He has supported real-world operations the entirety of his time at VMU-1, without exception. He currently serves as the Executive Officer of VMU-1.