
Sergeant Major, Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 369
Sergeant Major Beau D. Brenneis

Sergeant Major Brenneis is a native of Fort Myers, Florida. He enlisted in the Marine Corps on 8 Aug 2000. Sergeant Major Brenneis completed recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S.C., in November of 2000. He attended Marine Combat Training and was assigned to military occupational specialty 3451, Financial Management.
Sergeant Major Brenneis attended the Basic Financial Management Course at The Financial Management School, Marine Corps Service Support Schools, Camp Johnson, NC.  Upon completion of training in March 2001, he was transferred to Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH), Kaneohe Bay. While assigned to MCBH he served as an Accounting Analyst for the Fiscal Budget, and Accounting section.  He was later requested to fill a SNCO billet within the Inspection and Training team responsible to the base General for all Fiscal/Legal matters, also, to ensure adequate training and over sight for all fiscal sections aboard MCBH.  Throughout his time on station, then Lance Corporal Brenneis, took on additional responsibilities, becoming a Marksmanship coach, an Instructor for the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program, Security NCO/ member of the base Funeral detail, and member of the Battalion, Color guard.
 In March 2004 Corporal Brenneis was reassigned to the Defense Finance and Accounting service, Kansas City, assigned to the Headquarters Marine Corps section working problem disbursements.  In addition to his primary responsibilities, he was the primary Martial Arts Instructor for the Marines within the compound, as well as the Training NCO.  In January of 2005, Corporal Brenneis was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, and designated as the Platoon Sergeant.  In May 2005, Sergeant Brenneis was assigned to Marine Corps Forces South, Miami. He served as the Comptroller Chief working with U.S. Southern Command, and Joint Interagency Task Force, South in the execution of funding.  

In October of 2007, Sergeant Brenneis was assigned to the Basic Recruiter Course, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. Upon graduating he was assigned to Recruiting Sub-Station Naples, Recruiting Station Fort Lauderdale, 6th Marine Corps District.  In December 2008 he was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. In November of 2009, Staff Sergeant Brenneis was named Recruiting Station Fort Lauderdale's, “Recruiter of the Year,” for FY 2009.  In March 2010, he was assigned as the Staff Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of Recruiting Sub-Station Naples, and in November of 2010, his Station achieved, “Recruiting Sub-Station of the Year,” for FY 2010. Staff Sergeant Brenneis was subsequently meritoriously promoted to Gunnery Sergeant.
Gunnery Sergeant Brenneis was assigned to U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command Norfolk, VA, in March 2011. He served as the G-8 Ground Financial Management Chief and later as the Resource Evaluation and Analysis (RE&A) Chief.  Gunnery Sergeant Brenneis took on additional responsibility as the commands Motorcycle Club President. In December 2013, Gunnery Sergeant Brenneis was transferred to Marine Corps Forces Pacific, Camp H.M. Smith, HI serving in the capacity of two billets; RE&A Chief and Financial Management Resource Chief managing the audit for budgetary resources.
In January 2016, Gunnery Sergeant Brenneis was frocked to the rank of First Sergeant and transferred to Battery C, 1st Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment. In 2017, Battery C attached to Battalion Landing Team 1/5 and deployed with the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit. In February 2019, First Sergeant Brenneis reported to 1st Supply Battalion and was assigned to Supply Company. From February to July 2020, First Sergeant Brenneis assumed the Battalion Sergeant Major billet for 1st Supply Battalion. In July 2020, he was assigned to Ammunition Company prior to being frocked to Sergeant Major and assigned to 1st Intelligence Battalion on 3 November 2020. From December 2021 to April 2022, Sergeant Major Brenneis served as the interim Sergeant Major for 9th Communication Battalion, and transferred back to 1st Intelligence Battalion. On 2 December 2022, he assumed his current responsibilities as the Sergeant Major of HMLA-369.
His personal awards are the Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medal (3 gold stars), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Navy-Marine Corps Achievement Medal (3 gold stars).