
Marine Wing Support Squadron 371
Lieutenant Colonel Brent L. Kershaw

Second Lieutenant Kershaw was commissioned via the Platoon Leader's Course in 2005. After attending the Engineer Officer's Course in 2006, he was assigned to Combat Assault Battalion in Okinawa, Japan. There he served as a Platoon Commander and Company Executive Officer in Combat Engineer Company from 2006 to 2008, participating in several bilateral training exercises in South Korea and Japan. From August 2007 to February 2008, he deployed to Fallujah, Iraq as the Engineer Platoon Commander for 3d Battalion, 3d Marines in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

From 2008 to 2011, Captain Kershaw served as a Project Officer for Engineer Support Equipment at Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, Virginia. He managed several programs in the family of water and fuel systems, including the Lightweight Water Purification System. From 2009-2010, he deployed as an individual augment to Kandahar, Afghanistan, serving in the Engineer Cell of the NATO-led Regional Command South Staff. In this capacity, he supported the infrastructure needs of the the troop surge mandated by the President of the United States.

Upon graduation from Expeditionary Warfare School in 2012, he transferred to 7th Engineer Support Battalion (ESB) in Camp Pendleton, California and took command of Company A. In late 2013, he formed an Engineer Services Company with other Marines and Sailors of 7th ESB and joined Combat Logistics Battalion-1 for pre-deployment training. Captain Kershaw deployed to Helmand, Afghanistan in 2014 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, participating in the tactical withdraw of conventional U.S. forces from Camp Leatherneck in October of that year and serving as the last-remaining company commander of the Logistics Combat Element during the final portion of the withdraw. Upon returning to 7th ESB, he served as the assistant battalion operations officer and battalion operations officer.

In 2015, he reported to Marine Corps Logistics Operations Group in Twentynine Palms, California and was promoted to Major. There he served in the Advanced Collective Training Department, conducting Logistics and Battle Staff Training Exercises that trained logistics unit staffs in various operational processes. He also served as a faculty advisor for the Intermediate Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Logistics Operations Course and as an Observer/Trainer/Collector for several large MAGTF exercises during this time.

After attending a six month Spanish language course in Washington D.C. in 2018, he reported to Argentina's Naval War College in Buenos Aires, Argentina in January of 2019 to complete the year-long Command and Staff Course. Upon graduation, he checked into Combat Logistics Battalion 22 to serve as the Executive Officer in January, 2020. In May of the same year, he deployed to Sigonella, Italy with the 22d Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) in support of Special Purpose MAGTF Crisis Response-Africa 20.2. In April, 2021, Major Kershaw reported to Combat Logistics Regiment 27 and assumed the billet of Executive Officer. He was promoted to his current rank in October of 2021. He saw the unit undergo significant change as they reorganized according to the Commanding General's design; divesting of the three MEU Combat Logistics Battalions and gaining three general support battalions.

He reported to Marine Corps Installations-East in August of 2022 and served as the Deputy Director of Range and Training Area Management for the region and Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. In May 2023, he proceeded to his current duty station of Yuma, Arizona to take command of Marine Wing Support Squadron 371.

Lieutenant Colonel Kershaw holds a BA in Criminal Justice from the University of Texas at Arlington. He is a graduate of Marine Corps Command and Staff College (Distance Education Program), Argentina's Naval Command and Staff Course, Expeditionary Warfare School, the Tactical MAGTF Integration Course, and the Intermediate MAGTF Logistics Operations Course. His personal decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal (with gold star), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (with gold star), the Navy Achievement Medal, and the Combat Action Ribbon. He hails from the State of Texas.