MARINE CORPS AIR STATION MIRAMAR, Calif. -- Sgt. Dakota Meyer, Medal of Honor recipient, paid a visit to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Calif., Sept. 10. Meyer, a Columbia, Ky. native, visited the air station to talk to Marines and to participate in the 9/11 colors ceremony.
“This is the biggest thing that’s happened here on base while I’ve been around,” said Maj. Gen. Steven Busby, the commanding general of 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing.
Busby invited Meyer and other guests from MCAS Miramar to his house for dinner Sept. 10. Meyer encouraged guests to ask him questions and speak their minds.
Questions at the event varied from why he wrote his book to his views on leadership. One topic in particular pertained to Gen. Busby’s Committed and Engaged Leadership initiative, and how it applied to noncommissioned officers.
“There is no one you can’t train,” said Meyer. “If an NCO says someone is un-trainable, they are probably wrong.”
Some Marines were awe struck and delighted at the opportunity to meet the youngest living Medal of Honor recipient.
“It’s great that I got to meet [Sgt. Dakota Meyer], in person, at the commanding general’s house and take pictures with him,” said LCpl. Rudy Arrieta, a videographer with the station Combat Camera section.
The following day, Meyer spoke with more Marines and Sailors at a series of small unit leadership symposiums. The discussions were heavily led by questions asked by participating Marines and Sailors. Throughout the symposium, Meyer focused on pride, committed and engaged leadership and teamwork.
“It’s about our brothers to our left and right,” said Meyer. “You don’t leave anyone behind, because we’re a team.”
Later that evening, Meyer gave remarks as the guest speaker at the 9/11 Warrior Recognition Evening Colors Ceremony. He spoke about not only the service members who fought to defend freedom in the wake of 9/11, but the policemen and women, fire fighters, emergency responders and civilians who sacrificed their lives on that fateful day.
“Today, we memorialize all the men and women and their families who sacrificed so much for our freedom,” said Meyer.
The ceremony hosted more than 5,000 attendees seated in bleachers surrounding the event. The 3rd MAW band performed for the spectators who attended.
Marines are taught to never leave another Marine behind. Through his actions, Meyer is the embodiment of that statement.
“There’s nothing different about me,” said Meyer. “More people just want to listen to me now.”