MARINE CORPS AIR STATION MIRAMAR, Calif. -- “You are the history of generations to come,” said the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos to the noncommissioned officers aboard Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Calif., Oct 17.
During his visit, the highest-ranking officer in the Corps and his right-hand man, the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Sgt. Maj. Micheal Barrett, honed in on the importance of the Marine NCO.
The commandant was personally welcomed to the instillation by Sgt. Christopher Prior, a field wireman with Marine Wing Communications Squadron 38 and a Cedar Rapids, Iowa native and his wife, Paige. This past May, Prior led a colors ceremony highlighting military spouses. In the opinion of Maj. Gen. Steven Busby, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing commanding general, it only seemed fitting that Prior and his wife welcome the leading couple of the Marine Corps.
Barrett enjoyed a personal welcome from the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing NCO of the quarter, Cpl. Miguel Ocampo, a calibrator with Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 16 and a Yucaipa, Calif. native.
Shortly after arriving at MCAS Miramar’s station auditorium, Amos and Barrett promoted a Marine to the NCO ranks. Now Cpl. Wesleigh Beckman, an aviation ordinance technician with Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 11 and a Fairfield, Ohio native received his new rank from Amos himself.
“It was a huge honor to be promoted by the commandant and sergeant major of the Marine Corps and it was very humbling to be in his presence,” said Beckman. “I take the rank to heart and I strive to be not only the best NCO possible, but to be the best example for the Marines around me.”
After reading from the Commandant of the Marine Corps’ Planning Guidance, Amos and Barrett left Miramar Marines with a new understanding of an NCO’s responsibilities to the institution.