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Marine spouse offers helping hand

9 May 2014 | Cpl. Owen Kimbrel 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing

Adapting to the Marine Corps lifestyle takes time, but with the help of the Family Readiness Program and family readiness officers, the transition to the Marine Corps lifestyle can be more manageable for new spouses.

Laura Mullins made the transition when she married Lt. Col. Michael Mullins and has since made the effort to support Marines and spouses in need.

As part of Maj. Gen Steven Busby’s, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing commanding general, Committed and Engaged Spouse initiative, Mullins has accepted being a part of the Marine Corps team. She supports her Marine in his endeavors as he serves his nation and is dedicated to helping others.

“I first volunteered with the [family readiness officer] when Michael was part of [Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 462]. I enjoyed that experience so much that I simply continued when his assignment was changed,” said Laura. “It just feels natural to be helping out.”

By volunteering with the Marines, Laura has found a way to help the Marine Corps become a better institution.

“For me, it’s all about giving back to those who give and sacrifice so much,” said Laura. “By volunteering I want the Marines to know how much they are respected, honored and appreciated.”

Laura not only enjoys volunteering but also relishes the company of other spouses who also volunteer.

“We all chip in and it’s a big team effort,” said Laura. “It’s nice to be a part of something like that.”

Laura supported other spouses to become committed and engaged and help their unit’s Marines whenever they can.

“We laugh and support one another. We plan fun events and get involved with those in need,” said Laura. “You’re guaranteed to make at least one new friend, probably more.”