SEATTLE -- More than 100 Marines and Sailors of Task Force Seattle, a unit comprising of elements from the Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF), participated in the Seafair Fleet Week in Seattle, July 27 to August 2.
Over the course of several days, Marines and Sailors greeted visitors aboard the USS Boxer and explained the value of their units' aircraft, weapons systems and vehicles, participated in air shows and visited nearby Seafair attractions during their free time.
According to Sgt. Maj. Christopher Thomas, the sergeant major of Task Force Seattle, Seafair Fleet Week is an opportunity for Marines to demonstrate the quality of the Navy-Marine Corps team and give the city’s residents the opportunity to become familiar with the military’s rich history, heritage or warfighting capability.
“Marine involvement in the Seattle Seafair will mean that the public ... in the Seattle area will witness their Marine Corps,” said Maj. Bert Tompkins, the executive officer of Task Force Seattle during Seafair Fleet Week. “Marines will demonstrate that they are the nation’s force in readiness. They are ready to serve in expeditionary climates around the world.”
According to Sgt. Alan Lambert, a combat engineer with 7th Engineer Support Battalion (ESB), 1st Marine Logistics Group, a Spokane, Washington native, many visitors weren’t familiar with military equipment, but often showed interest.
“It was good to see the civilians and to see their support for us,” said Lambert,. “They’re very enthusiastic about learning more about us so that they can support us further.”
Some Marines and Sailors were able to spend time with their families and took advantage of the available visual aids and static displays.
“It was a great experience,” said Lambert. “My family came out, I got to show them a little bit of what I do and I had a great time showing them everything we do.”
The Marines’ participation in the 2015 Seafair Fleet Week marked their second year supporting the event.
“Marine involvement in the Seattle Seafair is important to Seattle specifically because it is a city that has a lot of naval units posted throughout the area,” said Tompkins. “It was the first Fleet Week I’ve participated in and [I’m] excited to be here.”